November 20, 2008

All Dressed Up

Ryker got some new Church clothes from his Grandma Duffin, this was the best picture I could get out of him. He looked SO cute! It was a little bit big on him so he should be able to wear it for at least a month or two. Ryker is getting too BIG too fast! He's gaining weight again, for awhile there he'd lost a few pounds and was stuck at 18 pounds. I weighted him today he's close to 20 pounds. Ryker is learning so much everyday. He's got waving down, but he'll only do it if you say, "bye-bye". Ryan has taught him to bonk heads but you have to watch out or he'll hit ya pretty hard.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Total cutie! He is looking older, you'll be amazed how quickly he'll learn things, it makes you really aware of everything you do/say! Love ya,
Big sis